Nature residency


what is nature to you?
what is your own nature?
how do you connect, dis-connect,
flow in between spaces or out of space?

we want to experience your creative vision of nature.
tactile – auditory – visual – gustatory – olfactory
– vestibular – proprioceptive – intangible – intertwined


You apply on your own and the jury will pair selected artists into interdisciplinary teams


provoking experimentation and connection, selected artists get to work in interdisciplinary teams of two to create a project together, while also documenting their process to give the public a glimpse into their studio and work. each of the 4 teams will be accompanied by an artist-mentor. we hope that this process brings in fresh ideas, and creates links between resident artists.


Adriana Jamisse, David Aguacheiro, Gemuce, Joao Roxo, Sara Machado, Tina Krueger


The project/“Nature Residency” is financed by PROCULTURA through the DIVERSIDADE instrument. PROCULTURA is an action financed by the European Union, co-financed and managed by Camões I.P and co-financed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. In Mozambique DIVERSIDADE is managed by Camões – Centro Cultural Português in Maputo, in partnership with the EUNIC cluster.

*terms and conditions apply